Staff Papers: 1963-1979

Staff papers (SP) are typically short papers that represent preliminary research results, discuss works or ideas in progress, stimulate new thinking, or otherwise are less formal treatments of a subject than would be published in a research or extension bulletin.

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1979 Staff papers
No. Title Author
79-01 The Integration of Water Quantity and Water Quality Management Dworsky, Allee
79-02 Financing Northeast Agriculture in the Years Ahead LaDue
79-03 This publication is missing or was never published
79-04 A Computer Program Documentation of the Dairy Market Policy Simulator (Model A) Novakovic, Babb, Martella, Pratt
79-05 Input Forms and Output from the Dairy Market Policy Simulator (Model A) Novakovic, Babb, Martella, Pratt
79-06 An Analysis of U.S. Dairy Price Supports Based on Parity Versus Cost of Production Novakovic, Babb
79-07 Leadership from the Northeast on Food and Agricultural Policy Stanton, Weaver
79-08 Some Political Issues Confronting World Agriculture Poleman
79-09 Horizontal Integration and Diversification in the Petroleum Industry Chapman
79-10 Uxpanapa: Resettlement and Agricultural Development in the Mexican Tropics Ewell, Poleman
79-11 Effect of Variable Interest Rates on the Financial Performance of Dairy Farm Businesses
79-12 The Economic Impact of Improved Drainage on Northern New York Dairy Farms Wackernagel, Milligan, Knoblauch
79-13 A User’s Guide For Two Programs to Estimate and Analyze the Multinomial Logit Allocation Model Tyrrell
79-14 An Assessment of Suffolk County’s Farmland Preservation Program Lesher, Eiler
79-15 Information, Option, and Existence Value Conrad
79-16 Market Functions, Scale Economies, Revenue Requirements and the Plight of the Northeast Livestock Auction Industry Lesser
79-17 A Critical Evaluation of Recent Attempts at Assessing World Hunger Hall
79-18 Welfare or Growth? Sri Lanka’s Problem in Peasant Agriculture Edirisinghe
79-19 Some Political Arithmetic of Large and Small Stanton
79-20 Trade Adjustment Assistance and Labor Displacement in the U.S. Sugar Industry Harbert, Blandford
79-21 Demand and Prospects for Cocoa in the 1980’s Okorie, Blandford
79-22 Real Estate Taxation, Assessment and Revaluation: Implications for Agriculture Conneman
79-23 What’s Ahead for Agricultural Production in the Next 25 Years? Conneman
79-24 Use of Merchant and Dealer Credit on New York Dairy Farms Conneman
79-25 Capital Investment Decisions on Poultry Farms Ackerman
79-26 The Response of Milk Sales to Generic Advertising and Producer Returns in the Rochester, New York Market Thompson
79-27 An Economic Analysis of the U.S. Dairy Price Support Program and Alternative Policies Novakovic, Babb
79-28 The Evolution of Policy Issues to Improve Small Farmer Agricultural Credit Performance as Perceived by Donor Agencies Bathrick
79-29 Economic Utilization of Forages in the Production of Milk and Beef in the Northeast United States Knoblauch, Milligan, Fox, Woodell
79-30 The Distributional Consequences of Recent Inflation Robinson
79-31 The Potential Impact of Cotton Insect Control Technology LaDue, Shoemaker, Russell, Rovinsky, Pimentel
79-32 The Influence of the European Community’s Tariff Policy on European Orange and Mandarin Prices Albisu, Blandford
79-33 Quantifying the Nutrition Situation in Developing Countries Poleman
79-34 The U.S. Experience in Providing Financial Assistance to Small Farmers LaDue
79-35 Inflation and Food Prices Robinson
79-36 Optimal Funding Strategies for Financial Cooperatives Tauer, Boehlje
79-37 Planning for a New Distribution of Rural People (with a postscript on why zoning cannot preserve agriculture) Conklin
79-38 Linking Economic and Action Thresholds in Pest Management: Implications for Advisory Services Thompson, White
79-39 Alternative Energy Futures? Kalter


1978 Staff papers
No. Title Author
78-01 Farm-Value Assessment as a Means for Reducing Premature and Excessive Agricultural Disinvestment in Urban Fringes Conklin, Lesher
78-02 Utilizations of Agricultural Exemptions in New York State on 1975 and 1976 Assessment Rolls King
78-03 Economics of Corn Production on Dairy Farms and as a Cash Crop Milligan
78-04 Food, Population and Employment: Some Comments on the Colombian Experience Escobar
78-05 The Political Economy of Smallholder Agriculture: Current Proposals for the Third World War in Historical Perspective Shiras
78-06 Trends in the Marketing of Onions Stone
78-07 Failure of the Public Market – A Framework for Cost Sharing Policy Research Allee
78-08 The Response of Milk Sales to Generic Advertising and Producer Returns in the New York City Market Revisited Thompson
78-09 An Historical Evaluation of Governmental Attempts to Achieve Self-Sufficiency in Rice Production in the Philippines Minguez
78-10 Land Use Planning and Property Tax Reform Allee
78-11 Industry and Drought – Time to Prepare for Next Time Allee, Antle, Tang, Sched, et al.
78-12 Providing Problem-Solving Assistance to Smaller Local Governments: The Cornell Local Government Program Mason
78-13 “Rubber or Rice?” The Dilemma of Many Developing Nations Sisler, Blandford
78-14 Estimating Gini Ratios With Varying Proportionate Stratified Sampling Swenson
78-15 A Comparison of Marketing Strategies for Potatoes in Upstate New York Young, Tomek
78-16 Labor Productivity of Apple Harvest Workers Fisher
78-17 Farm-Value Assessments as a Means for Promoting Efficient Farming in Urban Fringes Conklin, Lesher
78-18 Famine Poleman
78-19 Food, Population, and Employment: Some Implications for Mexico’s Development Poleman
78-20 An Application of the Multinomial Logit Model to the Allocation of Budgets in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey for 1972 Tyrrell, Mount
78-21 Crop Insurance to Reduce Risk: Using A Payoff Matrix to Aid in the Purchase Decision Casler
78-22 The Case for Being Candid Conklin
78-23 Quantitative Evaluation of Stabilization Policies in International Commodity Markets Blandford, Lee
78-24 The Dutch System of Land Use Planning Dubbelboer
78-25 Report on Update of Agricultural District Data Cole
78-26 Uncertain Externalities, Liability Rules and Resource Allocation: A Comment Conrad


1977 Staff papers
No. Title Author
77-01 Alimentos, Poblacion Y Empleo: Perspectivas en Mexico Ciapara
77-02 Providing Rural Water: Constraints and Impacts Allee, Capewer, Francis, Brower
77-03 Patterns of Agricultural District Formation in Columbia County, New York Ball
77-04 World Food: Myth and Reality Poleman
77-05 Food Accounting for Statistically Underdeveloped Countries, Lecture Illustrations Poleman
77-06 Energy Conservation, Employment, and Income Chapman
77-07 Substitucion de Importaciones de Productos Agropecuarics Alimenticios en Mexico: Analisis de Posibilidades; El Caso de Las Grasas Y Aceites Palma Gómez
77-08 Empirical Analysis of the Demand for Food: A Review Tomek
77-09 Will Agriculture be Able to Live with the Real Estate Tax? Conneman
77-10 Studying the Economics of a Waterway-A Critique of Studies of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System Allee, Sander
77-11 Prices and Quality Comparisons of National Brand and Private Label Food Products Jafri, Lifferth
77-12 The Supply Side of the Energy Equation Kalter
77-13 The Thomas Robert Malthus Lecture: The Food-Population Prospect 175 Years Later Poleman
77-14 Export Monopoly Marketing Boards in West Africa-A Review of Performance Blandford
77-15 Is it Time to do A Benefit-Cost Analysis for the Location of a Power Plant? Allee
77-16 New York’s Agricultural Districts-The Preservation of Farming Rather than the Restriction of Growth Gardner, Bills, Lesher, Cobb, Allee
77-17 Food Aid and Malnutrition: Comments Poleman
77-18 A Political History of Food for Peace Zachar
77-19 A Review of “A Review of the US Food aid Program” Poleman
77-20 An Analysis of Income Distribution in the Northeast Using Gamma Density Boisvert
77-21 General Characteristics of the U.S. Dairy Industry Milligan
77-22 Location of Agricultural Districts Relative to Urban Places in New York Bills
77-23 The Distributional Impact of Trade Liberalization in the US Grain/ Livestock Sector Blandford
77-24 Apple Harvest Labor Productivity in the Champlain Valley 1970-1975 Fisher
77-25 The Presidential Energy Initiatives: Some Relevant Policy Considerations Kalter
77-26 Integrating Water Quality and Water and Land Resources Planning Allee, Caulfield, Crowley, Cummings, et al.
77-27 Enhanced Oil Recovery: The Impact of Policy Options Kalter, Tyner
77-28 A Simulation Model for Resource Policy Evaluation Tyner, Kalter
77-29 The Role of Agriculture in the Economy of NYS Call
77-30 Mexican Agricultural Production, 1896-1953: An Appraisal of Official Statistics Poleman
77-31 Before the Next Food Crisis … Some Political Problems Confronting Third World Agriculture Poleman
77-32 This staff paper is missing or was never published
77-33 Appendix to Chapter B: Energy Demand: Conservation, Taxation, and Growth Mount, Tyrrell
77-34 Organizational Issues: Comments on the Issue and Option Papers of the Water Resources Policy Study of the Water Resources Council Allee
77-35 The Usefulness of Polyperiod Linear Programming for Farm Management Analysis in Developing Countries Crawford, Lassiter, Milligan
77-36 A Look at the Economic Impact of the Grape Industry in New York Jordan


1976 Staff papers
No. Title Author
76-01 Equity and Cost Sharing-A Neglected Opportunity for Improving Water Policy Ingram, Allee
76-02 Property Tax Incentives to Preserve Farming in Areas of Urban Pressure Conklin
76-03 Minimum Resale Prices for Milk in Maine Aplin
76-04 New Farmland Preservation Programs in New York Bryant, Conklin
76-05 The Demographic Transition in Sri Lanka: Is Development Really a Prerequisite? Roche
76-06 Farm Loans Under Price Uncertainty LaDue
76-07 Economics of Forage and Grain Production and Utilization on Dairy Farms Casler
76-08 Direct Marketing of Fresh Produce in New York, Testimony at Public Hearing on Farm and Food Policy New York State Assembly Task Force How
76-09 Possibilities for Improving Guidelines for Use by Assessors in Classifying Farmland Under New York’s Agricultural District Law Conklin, Bryant
76-10 An Economic Analysis of a Food Supplement for Manila School Children Wolgemuth
76-11 Alternatives to Local Real Property Taxes Mason
76-12 Decision-Making in the Public Sector: Models of the Budget Process Mason
76-13 Principles of Pricing Consumer Items Brunk
76-14 Crop Farm Business Management in Uncertain Times How
76-15 The Problem of Values in the Economic Approach to Public Policy Blandford
76-16 A Critique of the National Water Commission Analysis of Cost Sharing Hunt, Cohn, Allee
76-17 Effective Accounting Systems for Large Dairy Farms Smith
76-18 Cassava as a Food Resource in Brazil Hoopes
76-19 Price Stabilization Policies for the United States Robinson
76-20 National Food Accounting and Estimating Demand for Food in Tropical Africa Poleman
76-21 Rail Line Abandonments: Number, Location, and Time Phasing Lefferth
76-22 The Relevance of the OPEC Experience to Manipulation of Other Primary Commodity Prices Gerling
76-23 The Sweet-Toothed Carnivore: Foraging in an Affluent Society Picciano
76-24 Agrarian Reform and Nutrition in Peru: Assessment of the Cornell-Peru Project at Vicos Neff
76-25 The Stagnation of Chilean Agriculture: History and Outlook Smith
76-26 An Examination of Dairy Farmer Funded Nutrition Education Programs in New York State Eiler, Cook, Kaminaka
76-27 Incorporation of Risk Variables in Econometric Supply Response Analysis Traill
76-28 Renewing Comparative Advantage- Malaysia’s Experience with Rubber and Oil Palm Tarbox
76-29 Highlights of the Economic Returns to BOCES Secondary School Occupational Education Investment Fisher
76-30 Policy Directions and Conflicting Voices Within American Agriculture Stanton
76-31 The Qualification of Rented Land for Farm Value Assessment in New York Bryant
76-32 The How and Why of Expanding Social Analysis in Water Resource Planning Allee
76-33 Tanzania: Ujamaa and Development Hess
76-34 A Review of “Roles, Functions and Services of ERS in 1986 by Crosswhite and Moore” Allee
76-35 A Simulation Model for Resource Policy Evaluation Tyner, Kalter


1975 Staff papers
No. Title Author
75-01 The Measurement of Energy Flow Through Intensive Agricultural Systems Poleman
75-02 Food Industry Policy Padberg
75-03 Wholesale Milk Route Operations in the New York Metropolitan Area Ayres, Aplin
75-04 Federal Taxation of the Petroleum Industry a Description of Incidence and Policy Implications Flaim
75-05 Balancing National and Regional Objectives: The Shifting Information Requirements Ingram, Allee
75-06 Management Audit Oneida Agway Cooperative, Inc. Hodgdon, Lifferth, Long, Marion
75-07 The World Food Situation-What is the U.S. Role? Sisler
75-08 Testimony Presented at Public Hearing on New York State Dairy Promotion Order in Albany, New York on October 23, 1974 Forker, Eiler
75-09 Testimony Before the Hearing to Consider a Proposed Federal Egg Research and Promotion Order Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 12, 1975 Forker
75-10 The Typical Northeast Dairy Farm-Its Staying Power and Alternatives Casler
75-12 Series of Letters and Reports on Wholesale Milk Distribution Research Sent to Dairy Managers in Upstate New York Aplin, Ayres, Taber
75-13 Public Hearings on Proposed Flood Plain Management Regulations Allee
75-14 Redistribution of Employment in the United States, 1940-1972 Lucas
75-15 Extension of Public Choice Ideas-A Re-Examination of Professional Lore Lutz
75-16 A Generalized Resource Leasing Policy Evaluation Model Tyner, Kalter
75-17 Development of the Livestock Sector in West Africa Eddy
75-18 The Outlook for Apples, Grapes and Tart Cherries in the Northeast How
75-19 Summary Statistical Comparisons of State and Local Taxes Among States of the United States Lutz, Plimpton
75-20 Daily Milk Pick-Ups: Their Impact on Milk Assembly Costs Strang, Eiler
75-21 Extent of Local Efforts to Form Agricultural Districts in New York State Bills
75-22 Marketing Grapes in Ontario, Canada, and Some Lessons from the Ontario Experience) How
75-23 Experiences in Extending Public Services to the Rural Poor and Improving Their Leadership Potential and Can We Provide Effective Assistance to the Rural Poor Who Wish to Remain in Farming? The Answer is Yes Williams
75-24 The New York Vegetable Industry Situation and Trends Extension Programming How
75-25 Basin Governance Allee, Capener, Andrews
75-26 World Food Prices and Politics Brunk
75-27 Dairy Management Practices and Farm Incomes Bratton
75-28 The Mexican Development Strategy: Retrospect and Prospect Scherr


1974 Staff papers
No. Title Author
74-01 The Effect of Income on Food Consumption in Lima: Some Preliminary Findings of the Peruvian National Food Consumption Survey (ENCA) Ferroni
74-02 The International Cocoa Agreement and The World Cocoa Economy Goldman
74-03 Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Resources: Background and Policy Issues Stevens, Kalter
74-04 Agricultural Prices in the 1970’s: How Will Value Be Established? Forker
74-05 Energy Flow Studies in South Pacific Populations Poleman
74-06 Toward a National Policy on Inflation Padberg
74-07 Applications of Variance Components in Economics Mount
74-08 Opportunities in Commercial Agriculture in New York for the Mid 1970’s Stanton
74-09 Import Substitution of Food Products in Ghana Franzel
74-10 A Challenge to the Academic Community: Economics and Institutions in the Report of the National Water Commission Allee, Ingram
74-11 Flood Plain Management Allee, Rich
74-12 Competition Among the Root and Cereal Staples in Tropical Agricultural Development Krausz
74-13 The Regional Impact of a New Food Product: The Reconstituted Potato Chip How, Good
74-14 Tax Incentives for Pollution Control: The Oregon Case Casler, Nelson
74-15 The Utilization of Small Tractors in Integrated Agricultural Development: The Tractor Evaluation Project Applied Balis
74-16 Alternative Revenue Sharing Formulas and Their Potential Impact on the Distribution of Funds in New York State Mapp, Jr.
74-17 Forecasting Industrial Water Utilization in the Petroleum Refining Sector: An Overview Stevens, Kalter
74-18 The Economics of Accelerated Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Kalter, Stevens, Bloom
74-19 Energy, Water and Environment-Institutional and Policy Aspects Allee
74-20 The 1974-75 Feed Grain Outlook for Northeastern Dairy and Poultry Producers DeGraff
74-21 An Analysis of Agricultural Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Rate Differentials-Oregon Compared to Other States Fisher
74-22 Agricultural Districts: A Compromise Approach to Agricultural Preservation Conklin, Bryant
74-23 An Economic Analysis of the Response of Milk Sales to Advertising in Selected New York State Markets Thompson, Eiler
74-24 Electricity Demand Projections and Utility Capital Requirements Mount, Chapman
74-25 Electricity Demand and the Financial Problems of Electric Utilities Chapman, Mount
74-26 Retirement Plans, Housing, and Fringe Benefits for New York Career Farm Workers Bratton
74-27 Economics and Economic Research in Uganda During the Amin Period Schultheis
74-28 Flood Risk Management-Lessons in Inter-Governmental Environment and Land Use Control Allee
74-29 American Agriculture in the World Setting DeGraff
74-30 Focus on Some Elements of Food Policy Stanton


1973 Staff papers
No. Title Author
73-01 Models of Economic Growth and Land Augmenting Technological Change in Foodgrain Production Mellor
73-02 Rural New York State’s Agricultural Districts Conklin
73-03 Urban Food Consumption Patterns in Uganda Oloya, Poleman
73-04 Technology and Human Populations Valiunas
73-05 Proteins and Their Cost: An International Comparison Hochstetler
73-06 Rice in the Development of Ivory Coast Agriculture Posner
73-07 Dynamic Models of Agricultural Development with Demand Linkages Mudahar
73-08 A Comparison of the Cash and Accrual Methods of Reporting Income: The Macro Impact on Egg Production Forker
73-09 Rural Works and Employment: Description and Preliminary Analysis of a Land Army Project in Mysore State, India Donovan
73-10 An Evaluation of Three BOCES Bond Payment Alternatives Mapp, Boisvert
73-11 Developing Science and Technology Systems-Experience and Lessons from Agriculture Mellor
73-13 The Role of Co-Operative Credit in Small Farmer Adoption of the New Cereal Varieties in India Schluter
73-14 A Study of Small Industries in Gujarat State, India van der Veen
73-15 Survey on Nutritional Concomitants of Urbanization in Selected Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa Poleman
73-16 On Conferences and Their Proceedings: I Can’t Believe I Read the Whole Thing Poleman
73-17 A Sulfur Emission Tax and the Electric Utility Industry Chapman
73-18 Government Agency Efforts in Quality of Life Impacts Allee
73-19 Income and Food Consumption: Report to the Government of Sri Lanka Poleman
73-20 Is The American Supermarket Really Super? Padberg
73-21 Floods and Flood Control in Marathon, New York Granatstein, Roberts, Chapman
73-22 Recent Changes in Governmental Mechanisms for Modifying Rural Land Use Decisions in New York State Conklin
73-23 Electricity Demand and Utility Capacity Planning. Testimony Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Chapman, Flaim, Ostro, Mount
73-24 Agricultural Districts in New York: State, Community, and Land-Grant University Participation in the Development Process Stanton, Conklin
73-25 The Energy Situation and Outlook: December 1973 Kalter


1972 Staff papers
No. Title Author
72-01 Some Facts on Unit Pricing in New York City and Upstate New York Supermarkets Aitchison
72-02 Alternative Assumptions About Life Style, Population, and Income Growth: Implications for Power Generation and Environmental Quality Chapman, Tyrrell
72-03 Accelerated Growth in Agricultural Production and the Intersectoral Transfer of Resources Mellor
72-04 Growth Linkages of the New Foodgrain Technologies Mellor, Lele
72-05 Food, Population, and Employment: Ceylon’s Crisis in Global Perspective Poleman
72-06 The Broader Context of Environmental Engineering-Political Aspects Allee
72-07 The Changing Role of the Water Resource Planner Allee
72-08 A Framework for Establishing Agricultural Research Priorities Stanton
72-09 Predicting the Past and Future in Electricity Demand Chapman, Mount, Tyrrell
72-10 Price Control of Raw Agricultural Products Padberg
72-11 The Definition and Measurement of Rural Disguised Unemployment in Low Income Countries-A Review of the Literature and Speculations on the Use of Energy Matlon
72-12 An Economic Evaluation of the Alternative School Financing Proposals in New York State Mapp, Boisvert
72-13 Agricultural Labor Absorption and its Possible Quantification in Low-Income Countries: The Fiji Case McGregor
72-14 Choice in Risk Situations: A Comparison and Evaluation of Alternative Criteria Boisvert
72-15 Software Language Requirements for Economic Use of Computer Resources LaDue, Eiler
72-16 Capital Intensity, Absolute Size and Growth Rate of the Small Industries Sector in India: A Critique of Official Estimates van der Veen
72-17 The Why and How of University Education Outside the Classroom for Water Resources Allee, Raymond, Wright
72-18 Pricing Performance of Weekly Advertised Specials in New York State Supermarkets Aitchison
72-19 Crucial Knowledge Gaps in the Relationship Between Agricultural Production and Environmental Quality Casler, Jacobs
72-20 Controlling Sediment and Nutrient Losses From Agricultural Land Jacobs
72-21 New Seed Varieties and the Small Farm Mellor
72-22 Northeast Vegetable Industry Situation and Outlook How
72-23 Nutrition, Employment, and Working Efficiency: Toward Measuring Human Activity in the Rural Tropics Beeghly
72-24 Problems in County Government: A Survey of Legislator and Administrator Views Mapp, Lutz
72-25 The Effect of Income on Food Habits in Ceylon: The Findings of the Socio-Economic Survey Perera, Fernando, de Mel, Poleman
72-26 A Comparison of Alternative Remote Access Computer Systems and A Closer Look at Available Systems LaDue
72-27 Analysis of Consumption Expenditure Patterns in India Desai
72-28 The Interface of Public and Private Rights and Interests in Property Allee
72-29 Some Aspects of the Suitability of High Yielding Rice and Bajra Varieties for the Small Farm, Thanjavur and Mehsana Districts, India Schluter, Longhurst
72-30 Agricultural Pollution Control and Enforcement in New York State Flaim
72-31 Marketing, Subsidies, and Pricing Forker
72-32 Where Do We Go From Here in Flood Management? Allee


1971 Staff papers
No. Title Author
71-23 What Does the Consumer Want? Brunk
71-27 Forecasting Changes in Human Energy Expenditure Associated with Agricultural Development: A Sampling Procedure for the Dry Zone of Ceylon Beeghly, Poleman
71-28 Multiple Objective Planning: Reflections on the Current Scene Kalter
71-29 Beer Cans and Babies: A Graphic Essay Comparing Their Impact on the Environment Beeghly
71-30 Opportunities in the Northeast Stanton
71-31 Pork Demand in 1980-Impact of Economic and Social Changes Brunk
71-32 Food and Population in Historical Perspective Poleman
71-33 A Note on Dualistic Models Lele
71-34 A Labor Supply Theory of Economic Development Mellor, Lele
71-35 The Political Economy of Employment Oriented Development Lele, Mellor
71-36 The Changing Patterns of Meat Distribution Brunk
71-37 Productivity and Efficiency in Food Assembly and Distribution Belden
71-38 The Rise of Agriculture and the Rise of Populations Prior to the Age of Discovery: A Literature Review Montgomery
71-39 Measurement of the Contribution of Agricultural Production and Processing to Environmental Pollution Casler
71-40 Nutrition, Employment, and Efficiency: Activity Patterns Among Rice Farmers in Laguna Province, the Philippines Beeghly, Poleman
71-41 Ecology I and II, Resource Economics and Water Resource Development Chapman
71-42 Agricultural Commodity Programs Robinson
71-43 Evaluation of the Economic Consequences of Malnutrition Call, Longhurst
71-44 Recreational Demand Functions: Concepts, Problems and Uses Kalter
71-45 Toward Regularized Bargaining in Agriculture Padberg
71-46 Local Government Structure and the Provision of Public Services in Rural Communities Lutz
71-47 This staff paper was never published
71-48 Management of Natural Resources for Optimum Development-Cutting the Cost of Decision-Making Allee
71-49 Summary Statistical Comparisons of State and Local Taxes Among States of the United States Lutz, Plimpton


1970 Staff papers
No. Title Author
70-02 Analyzing Price Variations for Canning and Freezing Apples Tomek, Dominick, Jr.
70-03 Fast Food Service Brunk
70-05 Economic Requirements for Effective Bargaining in Agriculture Forker
70-06 Factors Affecting the Farm Price of Tart Cherries Elberg, Tomek, Dominick, Jr.
70-07 Fluid Milk Substitutes-Current Status and Expected Trends Call
70-12 Explorations in the Use of Heart Rate as a Predictor of Energy Expenditure Heywood, Poleman
70-13 Alternatives, Criteria and Time Lags in Water Resource Development Kalter, Stern
70-14 Economics in Water Resource Planning Kalter
70-15 The Statistics of the World Food Problem: A Review Essay Schultheis
70-17 Notes Made From Visits to 34 Cooperators in Cornell Program Loomis
70-18 Limits to Food Production Conklin
70-19 Efficient Management Policies for Urban Water Supply Allee
70-20 The Meddlesome Seventies-A Talk on Consumerism Brunk
70-21 Accelerated Technological Change in Agriculture and its Relation to Environment Mellor
70-22 An Analysis of Producer Behavior Incorporating Technical Change Mount
70-24 Policy Toward Flood Plain Management Allee
70-25 International Trade Policies and Agriculture Sisler
70-26 The Agricultural Marketing System and Price Stabilization Policies Mellor


1969 Staff papers
No. Title Author
69-08 Research Findings on the Social Consequences of Malnutrition Call
69-10 Testimony on Water Resource Evaluation Procedures Kalter


1968 Staff papers
No. Title Author
68-01 Civil Rights and Property Rights: A Conflict Bugliari
68-04 Some Suggestions for Quantifying the Malthusian Dilemma Poleman
68-09 Farm Bargaining Padberg


No staff papers are currently available for 1967.


1966 Staff papers
No. Title Author
66-16 Guide for Manuscript Preparation and Data Compilation Poleman


No staff papers are currently available for 1965.


No staff papers are currently available for 1964.


1963 Staff papers
No. Title Author
63-11 Prospects for Agricultural Recovery and Economic Revival in Communist China Poleman