Research Bulletins: 1980-1989

Research bulletins published by the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management are comprehensive research reports intended for professional peers. These bulletins represent completed work that is too long, too timely, or too applied for an academic journal. They must undergo at least two reviews prior to publication.

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1989 Research Bulletin
No. Title Author
89-01 The Competitiveness of New York State Onions During the 1987-1988 Marketing Year Figueroa
89-02 An Analysis of the Acceptance of IPM Techniques in Processed Sweet Corn Waldorph, White
89-03 Statistical Summary of the 1987 Farm Management and Energy Survey Kelleher, Bills
89-04 Microcomputers and Small Local Governments in New York: Five Case Studies Wilcox
89-05 Farmer Investment Behavior: A Review of Literature Brase, LaDue
89-06 Eighty Years of Change in Dairy Farming, Dryden Township, Tompkins County, New York Stanton
89-07 1989 Budget Guide, Estimated Prices for Crop Operating Inputs and Capital Investment Items Snyder
89-08 Flows, A Microcomputer Program for Projecting Annual Cash Flows, Debt Repayment Ability and Proforma Financial Statements LaDue, Cook
89-09 Diversification of the Cheddar Cheese Industry Though Specialty Cheese Production: An Economic Assessment Martin, Barbano, Aplin
89-10 Management Strategies to Improve Profitability on Limited Resource Dairy Farms: A Linear Programming Analysis Murray-Prior, Stanton
89-11 A Risk Evaluation of Groundnut Genotypes in Drought Prone Areas of India Bailey, Boisvert
89-12 Dairy Farm Management, Business Summary New York, 1988 Smith, Knoblauch, Putnam
89-13 Economic Losses to New York’s Dairy Sector Due to Mastitis Frick, Lesser
89-14 Bovine Somatotropin: Its Impact on the Spatial Distribution of the U.S. Dairy Industry Sellschopp, Kalter
89-15 Strategic Alternatives for the New York Apple Industry Anderson
89-16 Farming Alternatives: Experience in New York State Miller, Knoblauch, Green, Brake
89-17 A Guide to Using the General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS) for Applications in Agricultural Economics Jefferson, Boisvert
89-18 An Analysis of the Investment Related Characteristics of New York Farmers LaDue, Kwiatkowski
89-19 Manufacturing Costs in Ten Butter/Powder Processing Plants Stephenson, Novakovic
89-20 Wages and Benefits of Full-Time Non-Family Employees on Larger Than Average New York State Dairy Farms Maloney, Woodruff
89-21 Chapter 12 Farm Bankruptcy in New York State Barnes, Brake
89-22 The Economic Implications of the U.S. Generic Dairy Advertising Program: An Industry Model Approach Liu, Kaiser, Forker, Mount
89-23 Operating Results for Dairy Farms Classified by Size, FCRS Data, United States, 1987 Stanton, Bertelsen
89-24 Foreign Assistance and Domestic Financial Markets in Developing Countries Gonzalez-Vega
89-25 This publication is missing or possibly never published.
89-26 Annotated Bibliography of Generic Commodity Promotion Research Hurst, Forker


1988 Research Bullein
No. Title Author
88-01 Computerized Environmental Control of Egg Laying Operations: Implications for New York Murray-Prior, Lesser
88-02 1988 Budget Guide. Estimated Prices for Crop Operating Inputs and Capital Investment Items Snyder
88-03 Multiple Peril Crop Insurance, What is it? Should You Buy it? The New York Experience Snyder
88-04 An Analysis of the Effects of Field Operations Management on Productivity and Profitability of New York Dairy Farms Johnson, Milligan
88-05 The publication is missing or possibly never published.
88-06 Field Crop Enterprise Budget Update. 1988 Cost and Return Projections and Grower Worksheets, New York State Snyder
88-07 The Economics of Hatchery Produced Algae and Bivalve Seed Myers, Boisvert
88-08 Dairy Farm Management, Business Summary New York 1987 Smith, Knoblauch, Putnam
88-09 1987 Custom Rates for Farm Operations in New York State Snyder
88-10 The Potential Impact of Ice-Minus Bacteria as a Frost Protectant in New York Tree Fruit Production Love, Lesser
88-11 Economic Impacts of the Crop Management Program on Western New York Dairy Producers Waldorph, Lazarus
88-12 The Competitive Position of the United States Grape and Wine Industry White, Blandford
88-13 Lessons Learned From The Farm Debt Crisis of the 1980’s Harl
88-14 The Assessment of Economic Impacts of Current and Emerging Agricultural Technologies That Affect Water Quality Tauer
88-15 A Survey of Dairy Calcium Consumption by Women in Two New York Counties, 1985 and 1987, An Analysis of an Educational Program’s Effectiveness Hurst, Forker
88-16 A Progress Report on the NY FarmNet Program, April 1, 1987-March 31, 1988 Delaney
88-17 Consumer Segmentation Analysis of Grocery Coupon Users Meloy, McLaughlin, Kramer


1987 Research Bulletins
No. Title Author
87-01 Current Financial Stress: Sources and Structural Implications for U.S. Agriculture Baker
87-02 Economic Performance of 11 Cheddar Cheese Manufacturing Plants in Northeast and North Central Regions Mesa-Dishington, Aplin, Barbano
87-03 Cheddar Cheese Manufacturing Costs Economies of Size and Effects of Different Current Technologies Mesa-Dishington, Barbano, Aplin
87-04 The Causes of Increased Canadian Exports of Carrots to the United States Bierlen, Blandford
87-05 Dairy Promotion in the United States, 1979-1986 Tauer, Forker
87-06 Inventory Control in a New York Apple Packing Plant Starbird, Milligan, White, Schruben
87-07 This publication is missing or possibly never published.
87-08 Field Crop Enterprise Budgets. 1987 Projections and Grower Worksheets, New York State Snyder, Lazarus
87-09 1987 Budget Guide, Estimated Prices for Crop Operating Inputs and Capital Investment Items Snyder
87-10 Pre-Easter Floral Displays in New York Supermarkets Goodrich, Jr.
87-11 The Economic Impacts of the “Save the Family Farm” Bill on New York Dairy Farmers Kaiser, Heslop, Milligan
87-12 A Comparative Economic Analysis of the Star Accelerated and Annual Lambing Systems Snyder, Milligan
87-13 Relative Economic Efficiency in the Dominican Republic and Implications for Land Redistribution Programs Kaiser
87-14 Feasibility of Expanded Potato Production in Western New York Snyder, Sieber, White, Bills
87-15 Crop Biotechnology Research: The Case of Viruses Love, Tauer
87-16 Distributing State Aid to Local Governments in New York Ranney, Day, Hattery
87-17 Perception of Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities and Residential Real Property Values Baker
87-18 Production Response to Groundwater Pollution Control Baker
87-19 School Lunch Program Participation in New York State Zucchino, Ranney
87-20 Dairy Farm Management, Business Summary New York, 1986 Smith, Knoblauch, Putnam
87-21 Improving Rural New York’s Water Systems Rossi
87-22 A Dynamic Analysis of the Food Security Act and the Harkin-Gephardt Bill: The Dairy Sector Kaiser, Streeter, Liu
87-23 Canadian Wheat Export Behavior and its Implications for the United States Sinner, Blandford, Robinson
87-24 Cultural Practices and Results for Concord Grapes, New York 1984 Snyder, White
87-25 Dairy Sales Data and Other Data Needed to ME a sure Effectiveness of Dairy Advertising Forker, Liu, Hurst
87-26 The Effect of the 1987 New York Tax Law Revisions on State Income Taxes Paid By New York Dairy Farmers Casler, LaDue
87-27 Returns to Dairy Producers Under Different Seasonal Production Patterns Hall, Oltenacu, Milligan
87-28 Electronic Information Systems and Commodity Marketing: Five Case Studies Streeter
87-29 Microcomputers and New York Towns: A Survey Report Wilcox
87-30 An Evaluation of the NY FarmNet Program Shepard
87-31 Measurement of Farm Financial Performance: Empirical Issues and Current Status Johnson
87-32 Year-Specific Estimation of Optimal Hedges for Central Illinois Soybean Producers Harwood, Tomek


1986 Research Bulletins
No. Title Author
86-02 Micro DFBS, A Guide to Processing Dairy Farm Business Summaries in County and Regional Extension Offices for Micro DFBS V 2.0 Putnam, Bogardo, Lazarus, Knoblauch, Smith
86-04 Income Tax Concessions and Investments in Soil Conservation Practices Bills
86-07 Field Crop Enterprise Budgets, 1986 Projections New York State Snyder, Lazarus
86-22 The Impact of India’s Grain Revolution on the Pulses and Oilseeds Meenakshi, Sharma, Poleman
86-25 Dairy Farm Management: Business Summary, New York 1985 Smith, Knoblauch, Putnam
86-26 Systems Analysis for Integrated Management of Four Major Potato Pests Farmer, White, Haith
86-27 Alternative Systems for Producing Hay for Sale on Exiting Dairy Farms Lazarus
86-28 Nonmonetary Considerations in Farm Operator Labor Allocations Streeter, Saupe
86-29 Services Provided by Local Governments in New York State Hattery, Ranney, Day, Allee, Wilcox
86-30 Gari Processing in Ghana: A Study of Entrepreneurship and Technical Change in Tropical Africa Kreamer
86-31 Long-Range Land Retirement as a Solution to the Wheat Surplus Problem Jagger, Robinson
86-32 Costs and Profitability of Fluid Milk in Retail Stores, Four New York Markets and Northern New Jersey Aplin, German


1985 Research Bulletins
No. Title Author
85-01 The Demand for Livestock Feed in Thailand Chesley
85-02 An Assessment of Alternative Policy Responses to Financial Stress in Agriculture Boehlje
85-03 Correlation Analysis of Dairy Practices and Management Factors on New York Dairy Farms, 1982 Williams
85-05 Equity and Cost in the Organization of Primary Health Care in Java, Indonesia Berman
85-06 The Invariance of Estimates of a System of Linear Logit Equations Considine, Mount
85-07 An Economic Evaluation of Alternative Sources of Funding for Agricultural Lending by Commercial Banks Carraro, LaDue
85-08 Hay Harvesting and Marketing in New York Kelleher, Lazarus
85-09 A Cost-Based Rate System for Bulk Milk Assembly Lee, Wasserman, Lesser, Stafford, Boynton
85-10 Strategies for Community Economic Development Through Natural Resource Use in Northern New York Ratner, Ide
85-11 An Environmental Risk Index to Evaluate Pesticide Programs in Crop Budgets Warner
85-12 Enterprise Budgets for Potatoes, Wheat, Cauliflower, Peaches and Table Grapes on Long Island, New York: A Comparison of Costs, Returns and Labor Requirements Warner
85-13 A Multiperiod Linear Programming Model of Diversification Into Fruit on Long Island Potato Farms Warner
85-14 A Framework for Analyzing the Implications of Domestic Agricultural Policies for the Stability of International Trade Zwart, Blandford
85-15 Dairy Farm Management, Business Summary, New York 1984 Smith, Knoblauch, Putnam
85-16 Assisting Informal-Sector Microenterprises in Developing Countries Stearns
85-17 Emerging Agricultural Technologies, Farm Structural Change, Public Policy, and Rural Communities in the Northeast Buttel, Lancelle, Lee
85-18 The Adirondack Land Market: The Land, Its Value, Its Buyers (1968-1983) Kay
85-19 The Dairy Production Termination Program: Breakeven Bid Calculations Casler
85-20 Biotechnology and the Dairy Industry: Production Costs, Commercial Potential, and the Economic Impact of the Bovine Growth Hormone Milligan, Lesser, Magrath, Tauer, Bauman
85-109 The Economics of Tilapia Culture in Kasai Occidental, Zaire Low


1984 Research Bulletin
No. Title Author
84-01 Getting Started in Dairy Farming: Case Studies Smith, Brake
84-02 Biomass Potential for Energy Production in the Northeast Driscoll, Boisvert, Kalter
84-03 Performance of the Live Cattle Futures Contract: Basis and Forward-Pricing Behavior Barton, Tomek
84-04 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study: Intensification of Peasant Agriculture in Yucatan Ewell
84-05 Use and Characteristics of Variable Rate Loans to Farmers by New York Commercial Banks Zook, LaDue
84-06 Dairy Management Practices and New York Dairy Farm Incomes, 1982 Bratton
84-07 The Economic Effects of Reallocating Publicly Owned Hydropower in New York State Hertel, Mount
84-08 Graduated Payment Loan Schedules Under Simple Interest Tauer
84-09 A Description of an Econometric Model of U.S. Dairy Farm and Product Markets Novakovic, Bunch
84-10 Dairy Farm Management, Business Summary, New York 1983 Smith, Putnam
84-11 A Time-Series Comparison of Alternative Agricultural Use-Value Estimates in New York Boisvert, Bills
84-12 The Economics of Home Solar Water Heating, The Geography of Climate, Fuel Prices, and Taxes Fry
84-13 This publication is missing or possibly never published.
84-14 Criteria for and Evaluation of Selected On-Farm Accounting Software Kent, Milligan, Knoblauch
84-15 The Applesauce Industry: Market Analysis and Strategic Implications Uetz, Anderson, McLaughlin
84-16 An Analysis of the Farmers Home Administration’s Major Farm Loan Programs LaDue
84-17 Overhead Costs from Farm Cost Accounts (Final Report) 24 Farms-1983 New York State Snyder
84-18 Livestock Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts (Final Report) 24 Farms-1983 New York State Snyder
84-19 Field Crops Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts (Final Reports) 24 Farms-1983 New York State Snyder
84-20 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Cost and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts (final Report) 24 Farms-1983, New York State Snyder
84-21 Crop Yields and Net Income on Prime Farmland in New York Bills, Heimlich, Stachowski
84-22 Biotechnology and the Dairy Industry: Production Costs and Commercial Potential of the Bovine Growth Hormone Kalter, Milligan, Lesser, Magrath, Bauman


1983 Research Bulletins
No. Title Author
83-01 An Analysis of the Level and Dispersion of Retail Fluid Milk Prices in 24 Upstate and 8 New York City Markets Kinnucan
83-02 Dairy Management Practices and New York Dairy Farm Incomes, 1981 Bratton
83-03 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study. Development and Equity in Tropical Mexico: Thirty Years of the Papaloapan Project Scherr, Poleman
83-04 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study. Agricultural Development in the Mexican Tropics: Alternatives for the Selva Lacandona Region of Chiapas Price, Hall
83-05 Expectations Models of Electric Utilities’ Forecasts: A Case Study of Econometric Estimation with Influential Data Points Vellutini, Mount
83-06 The Impact of Fluctuating Grain and Soybean Prices on Livestock Producers and Consumers in the U.S. Spathis
83-07 A Review of Empirical Techniques for the Analysis of Commodity Instability Offutt, Blandford
83-08 Farmers’ Experience With No-Till Corn Production in Ontario County, New York Wentzel, Robinson
83-09 An Analysis of Stem-Haul Wholesale Milk Route Costs Inside and Outside the Federal Order No. 2 70-Mile Zone Aplin, Hoffman
83-10 An Economic Analysis of Field Crop Enterprises in New York Lazarus
83-11 A Dynamic Programming Approach to Apple Orchard Replacement Childs, Milligan, White, Stiles
83-12 Hedging Strategies Utilizing Technical Analysis: An Application to Corn in Western New York Querin, Tomek
83-13 Media Advertising Effects on Milk Demand: The Case of the Buffalo, New York Market Kinnucan
83-14 1982 Custom Rates for Farm Operations in New York State Snyder
83-15 Profitability and Investment Potential of the Part-Time Beef Cow-Calf Enterprise Nowak, Milligan, Knoblauch, Fox
83-16 A Programming Approach to Public School Financing in New York Colburn, Boisvert
83-17 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study. Land Reform and Agricultural Policy in Iran, 1962-78 Madjd
83-18 Productivity Improvement in New York State Local Governments: State Actions to Assist Local Governments Pomeroy
83-19 Potential Interstate Institutional Entities for Water Resource Planning Dworsky, Allee
83-20 The Economic Potential of Crop Rotations in Long Island Potato Production Lazarus, White
83-21 Stated Financing Policies of Government Agencies and the Experience of Rural Water Supply Systems Vaidya, Allee
83-22 Factors Affecting Nutrient Consumption Bunch, Hall
83-23 Profitability and Financial Feasibility of Major Capital Investments: A Computer Program, Newplan Program 50 Form 4 LaDue, Casler
83-24 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study. Behavioral Thresholds As Indicators of Perceived Dietary Adequacy or Inadequacy Edirisinghe, Poleman
83-25 Dairy Farm Business Summary, A Computer Program Users’ Guide and Reference Manual for DFBS V1.1 DEC PDP 11/24 UNIX V7m Rizzio, Putnam
83-26 Potential Savings in Farm Milk Pickup Costs from Eliminating Route Duplication and Using Improved Scheduling Techniques Sehulster, Pratt
83-27 An Evaluation of a Disequilibrium Model Ferguson
83-28 The Impact of Chinese Wheat Imports on World Price and Trade Schwartz, Ralston
83-29 An Analysis of Milk Receiving Practices Anderson, Schiek
83-30 Cost of Production, Update for 1982, Cauliflower-Long Island, Kraut Cabbage, Storage Cabbage, Custom Rates, New York State Snyder
83-31 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study. The Demand for Oilseeds in West Africa Tuszynski
83-32 Dairy Farm Management: Business Summary, New York 1982 Smith, Putnam
83-33 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study. Resolving the Agriculture-Petroleum Conflict: The Experience of Cacao Smallholders in Mexico Scherr
83-34 Air Pollution, Nuclear Power and Electricity Demand, An Economic Perspective Chapman, Mount, Czerwinski, Younger
83-35 Potential Impacts of Routing Milk to Dairy Processing Plants on the Basis of Assembly Cost and Protein Content: A Case Study in New York Warner, Pratt, Novakovic
83-36 Getting Started in Dairy Farming: A Study of Farm Entry Processes and Experiences in New York State Smith, Brake
83-37 Economic Feasibility of Diesel Fuel Substitutes from Oilseeds in New York State Lazarus, Pitt
83-38 Farm Family Income by Size of Farm and Region, United States, 1979 Stanton
83-39 Proceedings of the September, 1983 NE-126 Workshop on The Spatial Organization of the Northeast Dairy Industry, A Northeast Regional Research Publication Novakovic
83-40 Farm Wealth, Origins, Impact, and Implications for Public Policy Melichar
83-41 Overhead Costs from Farm Cost Accounts, 28 Farms-1982 New York State Snyder
83-42 Livestock Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts, 28 Farms-1982 New York State Snyder
83-43 Field Crops Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts, 28 Farms-1982 New York State Snyder
83-44 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts, 28 Farms-1982 New York State Snyder
83-45 An Economic Analysis of Warm vs. Cold Free Stall Housing in Relation to Methane Production from Dairy Manure Pollard, Casler


1982 Research Bulletin
No. Title Author
82-01 The Consolidation and Expansion of Federal Milk Orders in the Northeast, The Impact on Blend Prices Story, Wellington
82-03 Marketing Alternatives for New York Fed Beef Producers Rasmussin, Lesser, Anderson
82-04 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study: The Nature and Extent of Nutritional Deficiencies in the Peruvian Andes Ferroni
82-05 Cropland Rental Rates in New York State, 1981 Snyder
82-06 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study: The Scope for Increasing Labor Absorption in Pakistan Agriculture Hussain
82-07 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study: Uxpanapa, Resettlement and Agricultural Development in the Mexican Tropics Ewell, Poleman
82-08 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study: Whither Indian Tea? Ray
82-09 Cornell/International Agricultural Economics Study: Prospects for Growth in Grain Production in China Barker, Sisler, Rose
82-10 An Empirical Evaluation of Alternative Procedures for Determining Agricultural Use Values in New York Dunne, Boisvert
82-11 Economic Aspects of Woodfuel Use In New York State Slott
82-12 An Economic Evaluation of Cattle Supplies and Slaughter Plant Capacity in New York and the Northeast Region Smalley, Webb, Lesser
82-13 Dairy Management Practices and New York Dairy Farm Incomes 19980 Bratton
82-14 An Economic Evaluation of the Potential for Tree Fruit Integrated Pest Management in the Northeast Thompson, White
82-15 Management Study of Growing Corn on New York Dairy Farms, 1980 Bratton
82-16 A Brief Overview of Major Developments and Future Prospects for the Chinese Agricultural Economy Barker, Sinha, Rose
82-17 World Hunger: Extent, Causes, and Cures Poleman
82-18 A Five-Year Analysis of New York Egg Farm Management Factors Cunningham
82-19 The Economics of Producing Green Peas for Processing in New York State and Wisconsin Snyder
82-20 Cost of Production, Update for 1981, Green Peas for Processing, Potatoes-Long Island, Cropland Rental Rates, New York State Snyder
82-21 The Economics of Financial Leasing of Dairy Cows LaDue
82-22 Training Agricultural Economists: Are Women Different? Offutt
82-23 Homes for the Migrants: The Pueblos Jóvenes of Lima Herold
82-24 Dairy Farm Management, Business Summary New York 1981 Smith
82-25 Scale Economies in Rural Water Supply Systems and Water Quality Standards of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Vaidya, Allee
82-26 Becak Drivers: The Plight of A Poor Group in Urban Indonesia Tabor
82-27 Getting Started in Farming: New York and Minnesota, 1910, 1930, 1950 and 1978 Lowenberg-DeBoer
82-28 The Translog Production Function: Its Properties, Its Several Interpretations and Estimation Problems Boisvert
82-29 Seasonality in the Consumer Response to Milk Advertising: Implications for Milk Promotion Policy Kinnucan, Forker
82-30 Cost of Pesticides for Potatoes in Upstate New York, 1981 Fohner, White
82-31 State Regulatory Policies for Privately Owned Electric Utilities in 1981 Hindman, Chapman, Cole
82-32 A Further Analysis of the Comparative Cost of Reconstituting Beverage Milk Products Novakovic
82-33 Overhead Costs from Farm Cost Accounts, 28 Farms, 1981 New York State Snyder
82-34 Livestock Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts, 28 Farms, 1981 New York State Snyder
82-35 Field Crops Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts, 28 Farms, 1981 New York State Snyder
82-36 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts, 28 Farms, 1981 New York State Snyder
82-37 Price-Quality Relationships for Grain: An Evaluation of Buyers’ Discount Behavior Hall, Rosenfeld
82-38 A Stress-Test Evaluation of Disease Forecasting for Managing Potato Late Blight Fohner, White, Fry
82-39 Measuring Returns to Technological Change: A Case Study of Controlled-Atmosphere Storage in New York Cannon, Charlesworth
82-40 Financial and Regulatory Factors Affecting the State and Regional Economic Impact of Sulfur Oxide Emissions Control Cole, Chapman, Rossi
82-41 An Overview of the Taiwanese Rice Economy Rose
82-42 An Investment Analysis of New York Small Premium Wineries Vreeland, Brake, White
82-43 Physical Examinations for Rural Financial Markets in Low Income Countries Adams
82-44 An Overview of the Indonesian Rice Economy Rose
82-45 The Impact of Export Instability on the U.S. Corn and Livestock Markets: An Econometric Analysis Offutt
82-46 The Value of Economic Thresholds for Managing Agricultural Pests Fohner, White, Schwager
82-47 Structural Change in Acreage Supply Response: An Econometric Analysis of U.S. Feed Grain Programs, 1948-1980 Lee, Helmberger
82-48 Economic Profiles for Apple Orchards and Vineyards, 1981 and Five Year Average 1977-81 Whitaker, White


1981 Research Bulletin
No. Title Author
81-00 Field Crop Enterprise Budgets, Cost and Returns for 1981 Knoblauch
81-01 The Competitive Position of Processing Sweet Corn Production in New York State Snyder
81-02 Dairy Management Practices and New York Dairy Farm Incomes, 1979 Bratton
81-03 The New York State Food Industry Law
81-04 Improving the Wholesale Marketing of Locally Grown Vegetables in the Niagara Frontier Region How
81-05 Expanding Dairy Beef Production in the Northeast: The Price Effect of Reduced Calf Slaughter Lesser, Bindlish
81-06 Drainage Research Miner Institute-1980, Soil and Crop Responses Swader, Geohring
81-07 Pesticide Use on Potatoes in Upstate New York Fohner, White
81-08 Performance of Shiller Lag Estimators: Some Additional Evidence Kinnucan
81-09 Seasonality in Long-run Advertising Elasticities for Fluid Milk: An Application of Smoothness Priors Kinnucan
81-10 Dairy Farm Management, Business Summary, New York, 1980 Smith
81-11 Cost of Production Update for 1980. Sweet Corn for Processing, Field Corn, Potatoes-Long Island, Market Cabbage Snyder
81-12 Case Studies in the Transmission of Farm Prices Hall, Tomek, Ruther, Kyereme
81-13 Selected Operating Practices of Retail Florists Goodrich
81-14 Management Study of Dairy Farms by Acres Corn Grown for Grain, New York, 1978 Bratton
81-15 Some Findings on the Comparative Cost of Reconstituting Beverage Milk Products, Reconstitution vs. Fresh Milk Processing Novakovic, Aplin
81-16 The Structure and Characteristics of the Milk Assembly System in New York State Anderson
81-17 A Study of the Differences Between Pounds of Milk Produced and Pounds of Milk Sold Per Cow on New York Dairy Farms, 1977 and 1978 Bratton
81-18 The New York City Water System and the 1960s Drought Merkens
81-19 A User’s Introduction to the Dairy Market Policy Simulator (DAMPS) Novakovic
81-20 Planning Data for Small Scale Commercial Vegetable and Strawberry Production in New York Phelps, How
81-21 An Economic Analysis of New York Greenhouse Enterprises Stathacos, White
81-22 Overhead Costs From Farm Cost Accounts, 27 Farms, 1980 New York State Snyder
81-23 Livestock Costs and Returns From Farm Cost Accounts, 27 Farms, 1980 New York State Snyder
81-24 Field Crops Costs and Returns From Farm Cost Accounts, 27 Farms, 1980 New York State Snyder
81-25 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Costs and Returns From Farm Cost Accounts, 27 Farms, 1980 New York State Snyder
81-26 The New York Feed and Fertilizer Industries Structure, Characteristics and Input Movements Anderson
81-27 Some Economic Aspects of Small Wineries in New York Cooper
81-28 W. I. Myers Memorial Lecture: Current Issues in Agricultural Finance Inflation, Risk, and Financial Instabilities, October 21, 1981 Barry
81-29 Allowing for Machinery Replacement in Calculating Debt Repayment Ability LaDue
81-30 Agriculture Among the Lopit Latuka in Eastern Equatoria, Sudan Jurey


1980 Research Bulletin
No. Title Author
80-01 Dairy Management Practices and New York Dairy Farm Incomes 1978 Bratton
80-02 The Economics of Investment in Movable Interior Blankets for Fuel Conservation in Greenhouses Fohner, White
80-03 Specifying Variables for Grocery Distribution Center Productivity Analysis Roller, Lesser
80-04 Retail Market Tests of Frozen Prepared Minced Fish Goodrich Jr., Whitaker
80-05 Retail Market Tests of Canned Minced Fish Goodrich Jr., Whitaker
80-06 An Economic Analysis of New York Field Crop Enterprises Knoblauch, Milligan, Haslem, vanLieshout
80-07 Farmer-To-Consumer Direct Marketing Operations Selling Fruits and Vegetables, New York, 1979 Stuhlmiller
80-08 Effects of Changing Milk and Feed Prices on Management Practices and Incomes, New York Dairy Farms 1974-78 Young
80-09 This publication was never published.
80-10 A Survey of Undergraduate Marketing Courses in Agricultural Economics Hall, Novakovic
80-11 A Survey of Graduate Marketing Courses in Agricultural Economics Novakovic, Hall
80-12 Using the TI-59 Programmable Calculator to Estimate Operating Costs and Hauling Rates for Bulk Milk Assembly Lesser, Wasserman
80-13 Trade Adjustment Assistance and the U.S. Sugar Industry Harbert, Blandford
80-14 Boxed Beef in the Meat Marketing System, A Summary Appraisal Hall, MacBride
80-15 An Evaluation of the Quality Discount Schedule Used By Grain Purchasers in New York and Pennsylvania Hall
80-16 Dairy Farm Management Business Summary, New York, 1979 Smith
80-17 The Economics of Soybeans in New York, 1979 Anderson, Snyder
80-18 Alternative Milking Systems for Dairy Herd of 50 to 500 Cows Wetzel, Stanton
80-19 Cost of Production Update for 1979, Beets for Processing (2nd tear), Potatoes-Long Island, Soybeans Snyder
80-20 Using Markov Models to Predict the Size Distribution of Dairy Farms, New York State, 1968-1985 Stavins, Stanton
80-21 An Economic and Mathematic Description of the Dairy Market Policy Simulator (Model A) Novakovic, Babb, Martella, Pratt
80-22 1976 Base Data for the Dairy Market Policy Simulator (Model A) Novakovic, Babb, Martella, Pratt
80-23 Overhead Costs from Farm Cost Accounts, 27 Farms, 1979 Snyder
80-24 Livestock Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts, 27 Farms, 1979 Snyder
80-25 Field Crops Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts, 27 Farms, 1979 Snyder
80-26 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Costs and Returns from Farm Cost Accounts, 27 Farms Farms, 1979 Snyder
80-27 Graduated Payment Schedules for Farmland Purchases Tauer
80-28 The Potential for Growth of Consumer Cooperatives, A Comparative Analysis Bruce & Lana Hall
80-29 Agricultural Districts and Land Use: A Pilot Study Hexem, Bills, Ball
80-30 Effects of Recent Changes in the Food Stamp Program on Participation and Food Consumption of Participating Households in Tompkins County, New York Morentz
80-31 Measuring the Domestic Distributional Impact of Trade Liberalization Hornig
80-32 Drainage Research Miner Institute, 1978, Soil and Crop Responses Swader, White Jr., Geohring
80-33 Drainage Research Miner Institute, 1979, Soil and Crop Responses Swader, Geohring
80-34 Marketing Fat Cattle and Feeder Calves in New York Lesser