Brian Dillon

Brian Dillon

  • Assistant Professor

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Interdisciplinary Theme

  • Collaboration for International Development Economics Research

Faculty Expertise

  • International and Development Economics and Policy
  • Applied Econometrics


Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

[email protected]

Cornell Directory Entry


Brian Dillon's research focuses on agriculture, seasonality, market integration, labor markets, and small firms. He works primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa, though he has lived and worked in Guatemala, Vietnam, and Tanzania. His empirical research uses a range of methods, including RCTs, estimation of structural models, time series analysis, and evaluation of natural experiments.

Recent Courses

  • AEM 6120 - Applied Econometrics
  • AEM 4315/ECON 3550 - Economics of Developing Countries
  • AEM 6940 - Graduate Special Topics in Applied Economics and Management
  • AEM 7620/ECON 7660 - Microeconomics of International Development

Academic Degrees

  • PhD Cornell University, 2011
  • MA Cornell University, 2009
  • PhM University of Cambridge, 2005
  • BS Loyola University, Chicago, 2000
  • BA Loyola University, Chicago, 2000