Dyson Faculty Research Videos


Suzanne Shu, College Dean of Faculty and Research

Suzanne B. Shu introduces the Research With Impact video series, highlighting Cornell SC Johnson College of Business faculty advances in purposeful scholarship. These videos are a companion resource to the annual Research With Impact publication. This page features Dyson faculty contributions.


Chris Barrett

In this Impact Video:

Chris Barrett, Stephen B. and Janice G. Ashley Professor of Applied Economics and Management, discusses the post-harvest value chain.


Nancy Chau

In this Impact Video:

Professor Nancy Chau discusses recent research on the increase and effects of contract employment.


Chris Forman

In this Impact Video:

Chris Forman describes his research on IT investment conditions and knowledge sharing.


Miguel Gómez

In this Impact Video: 

Professor Miguel Gómez discusses his research on eco-labels and coffee growers.


Catherine Kling

In this Impact Video: 

Cathy Kling, Tisch University Professor and Faculty Director of the David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future, discusses the economic valuation of ecosystem services.


Aija Leiponen

In this Impact Video: 

Professor Aija Leiponen discusses her examination of firms’ practices in relation to data privacy.


Matt Marx

In this Impact Video:

Matt Marx, Bruce F. Failing, Sr. Professor of Personal Enterprise, discusses recent research investigating why some scientific discoveries are more commercially successful than others.


Eswar Prasad

In this Impact Video: 

Eswar Prasad, Nandlal P. Tolani Senior Professor of International Trade Policy, shares his expertise on the impacts of digital payments on the future of money.

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John Tobin-de la Puente

In this Impact Video:

John Tobin-de la Puente discusses his research into ways to facilitate investment in conservation.


Nathan Yang

In this Impact Video: 

Assistant Professor Nathan Yang discusses his research into the causes of mass retail closures.

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Jawad Addoum

Watch this IMPACT video

Assistant Professor Jawad Addoum discusses his recent research on the effects of climate change on firms’ overhead costs. May 2021.

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Vicki Bogan

Watch this IMPACT video

Vicki Bogan, associate professor and Geller Family Professor of Applied Economics and Management, discusses her research into the influence of emotions on financial behavior and decision-making, her policy work, and her passion project, the Institute for Behavioral and Household Finance. May 2021.

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Aija Leiponen

Watch this IMPACT video

Professor Aija Leiponen discusses her research on conflict and cooperation as part of firms’ innovation strategies. May 2021.

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Jura Liaukonyte

Watch this IMPACT video 

Professor Jura Liaukonyte discusses her research on the economics of advertising and information, recently on the effects of advertising on investor behavior. May 2021.

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Matt Marx

Watch this IMPACT video

Professor Matt Marx offers an overview of his work on removing barriers to entrepreneurship, the effect of employee non-compete clauses on women entrepreneurs, and his passion project, relianceonscience.org. May 2021.

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Suzanne Shu

Watch this IMPACT video

Professor Suzanne Shu discusses her research on decision-making for consumers, financial decisions in retirement, and psychological ownership. May 2021.


Miguel Gomez

Professor Miguel Gomez discusses the effects of the pandemic on food supply chains. April 2020.

Andrew Novakovic

Prof. Andy Novakovic talks about his interest in economics and solving complex business and policy questions.

May 2016

Calum Turvey

Prof. Cal Turvey speaks about his latest projects and his passion for understanding agriculture in China.

May 2016

Miguel Gómez

Prof. Miguel Gómez on his work with a multidisciplinary team to develop a competitive, year-round East Coast broccoli industry.

September 2015

Ravi Kanbur

Prof. Ravi Kanbur on using economic methods to address inequality and poverty in the world.

November 2015

Aija Leiponen

Prof. Aija Leiponen on how she is using unstructured “big data” to study the wireless telecommunications industry.

September 2015

Shanjun Li

Prof. Shanjun Li on using economic incentives to increase consumer adoption of electric vehicles.

October 2015

David Ng

talks about his interest in financial markets and how investor behavior affects financial market outcomes.

November 2015